Designers are adopting new workflows to meet increasingly compressed project schedules and shrinking budgets without sacrificing the creative process. One of the most straightforward ways to make a change is through incorporating 3D modeling — facilitating a streamlined design process while allowing designers to focus on expressing their creative visions rather than solely producing documentation thanks to workflows that utilize intelligent, parametric objects.

This presentation will explore how to design 3D models and extract 2D documentation efficiently. Attendees will also examine the similarities and the differences between a traditional 2D design workflow and a modern 3D Modeling workflow, highlighting how the latter benefits project delivery and uncovering next steps for those wishing to begin transitioning from 2D to 3D.

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1 Hour


  1. Define the scope, strengths, and basic principles of 3D modeling.
  2. Compare and contrast 2D drafting and 3D modeling workflows.
  3. Discuss various tools and techniques used in developing 3D models, as well as how to derive 2D drawings from 3D models.
  4. Recognize the benefits of implementing a 3D modeling workflow.

Architect and Designer
Requires Approval: No