With the growing pressures of tight budgets, quick project delivery, and the increasing need to integrate with BIM workflows, landscape architects need to work smarter, not harder. Join Eric Berg, PLA, ASLA, senior associate at Pacific Coast Land Design, Robert Anderson, PLA, ASLA, principal of ROBERT ANDERSON | landscape architect, and Matthew J. Wilkins, ASLA, associate senior landscape architect + planner at KTUA Landscape Architecture and Planning, as they discuss how their firms transitioned to site information modeling workflows from traditional CAD platforms. Attendees will explore the challenges associated with this transition through real-world workflow examples using Vectorworks® Landmark, highlighting the interdisciplinary, collaborative benefits of this change.

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1 Hour


  1. Summarize the deciding factors that encourage firms to move away from general CAD workflows to site information modeling through case study projects.
  2. Identify timelines, pain points, resources, and efficiencies gained regarding the transition to site information modeling workflows.
  3. Assess site information modeling features used as part of daily processes from conceptual drawings and modeling to construction documents and presentations.
  4. Learn how to interact and collaborate with other disciplines using 3D models, BIM (IFC) files, and GIS data.

Landmark and Designer
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