Scripts are like little tools that can automate multiple steps, streamline tasks that would take hundreds of clicks, or create objects you need repeatedly. These particular scripts are useful to at least one designer, and many of them were written by someone who has no business writing scripts. These scripts aren’t works of art. They aren’t fancy. Some aren’t even spelled correctly. But they are time-saving tools for hardworking CAD users with drawings to finish before the coffee runs out. In this session, you'll receive a toolkit full of little scripts. Not every tool is for every job, but there is probably at least one that you will find useful. You’re ready for this —you’re already doing it the hard way.

All Industries
1 Hour


  1. Discover how to manage a library of scripts.
  2. Learn how to execute scripts written in Vectorscript or Python.
  3. Understand the basics of how scripts are structured and how to read them.
  4. Learn how to make minor changes to scripts to fit them to your needs.

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, and Designer
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