Don’t get left behind in the industry. Join Brandon Eckstorm, product marketing manager at Vectorworks, Inc. and Rene Berhorst, head of product management at MA Lighting as they give a quick introduction into GDTF & MVR and what the future holds. Then, Matt Geasey, technical director at Clear All Visuals will dive into why he is transitioning his workflow to include GDTF and MVR file formats, how he is creating these file types and the benefits he has experienced thus far.

1 Hour 5 Minutes


  1. Understand what GDTF & MVR are and their future developments.
  2. Explore the benefits of using GDTF & MVR in your workflow.
  3. See how to create these file formats.
  4. Learn how Clear All Visuals is gearing up using GDTF & MVR in their first show production.

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