Utilizing a file structure that can be implemented at initial concept and adapt as the architectural process evolves can help streamline the design workflow. Flansburgh Architects, in conjunction with the Vectorworks Architectural Support team, has gone through the steps to create a framework tailored to a variety of project types and phases of design and documentation. Attendees will obtain an understanding of the key elements that were involved in creating the file structure of templates and resources and gain insight into how this process can be adapted to meet their individual needs.

All Industries
1 Hour


  1. Discover how to structure an office-standard Resource Manager that allows users to easily access typical project resources.
  2. Explore how customized Workspaces can simplify tool sets and menus, allowing for adaption by individual users to suit their needs.
  3. Observe how to streamline the file transfer protocol with both the design team and consulting engineers who may use other software packages.

Fundamentals, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, and Designer
Requires Approval: No