Creating and modeling a site's terrain with the Vectorworks site model continues to be an important part of a designer's workflow in 2D/3D site planning. Though various data formats may help inform the existing surface, added features to the site model enable designers to have more control over how that surface is represented. This session will demonstrate various traditional and non-traditional site modification processes, enabling attendees to achieve better land sculpting for drainage, berming, and retaining features.

1 Hour 20 Minutes


  1. Review the opportunities to create a site model from various source data formats.
  2. Recognize advances in the Vectorworks site model and site modifiers.
  3. Utilize site model modifying techniques such as swales, contoured berms, and retaining edges.
  4. Explore non-traditional modification methods, such as 3D bending polygons and contour editing.

Architect, Landmark, and Designer
Requires Approval: No