Master the key skills required to be successful in Vectorworks by earning your Vectorworks Core Associate Certification. This learning path contains over 170 courses and exercises that will equip you with the essential knowledge to operate Vectorworks
with confidence. The Vectorworks Core Associate Certification learning path and exam are available free for a limited time.
To earn your certification, you must successfully pass the certification exam, with a score of 80% or higher. There are no restrictions on how many times you can retake the exam. If you do not pass on your first attempt, we recommend reviewing the certification courses and trying again. By passing the Vectorworks Core Certification exam and receiving this certification you will demonstrate to employers and clients that you are
competent in core Vectorworks tools, commands, and workflows.
We highly recommend going through all of the courses in this learning path before taking the exam. However, we know there are many experienced Vectorworks users out there. If you feel you
have already mastered the subjects covered in this learning path, you can skip directly to the exam.
Your certification is valid for 3 years after successfully passing the exam. Once you pass the exam, you will be able to download and display your personal Vectorworks Core Associate certificate and seal. You will be notified 6 months before your certification
expires and with updates for continuing your education.
In this tutorial, you will explore the WinDoor plugin. You will learn how to create and place doors and windows using the WinDoor tool. In addition, you will explore how to create schedules and custom door leaves.
In this learning path, you will explore the Cable Tools Suite available in Vectorworks Spotlight and Design Suite. You will learn how to utilize all the cable tools, create cable styles, configure Data Tags for Cable objects, generate reports, and more.
This learning path is designed to help you get to know Vectorworks Fundamentals and get up and running quickly. We understand that not everyone learns in the same way, so we have provided multiple training options, from an instructor-led live seminar and on-demand quick start guide, to a sample project for you to explore.
This learning path is designed to help you get to know Vectorworks Architect and get up and running quickly. We understand that not everyone learns in the same way, so we have provided multiple training options, from instructor-led live seminars and an
on-demand quick start guide, to sample projects for you to explore.
This learning path is designed to help you get to know Vectorworks Landmark and get up and running quickly. We understand that not everyone learns in the same way, so we have provided multiple training options, from instructor-led live seminars and an on-demand quick start guide, to sample projects for you to explore.
This learning path is designed to help you get to know Vectorworks Spotlight and get up and running quickly. We understand that not everyone learns in the same way, so we have provided multiple training options, from instructor-led live seminars and an on-demand quick start guide, to sample projects for you to explore.
This learning path is designed to help you get to know Vectorworks Design Suite and get up and running quickly. We understand that not everyone learns in the same way, so we have provided multiple training options, from instructor-led live seminars and an
on-demand quick start guide, to sample projects for you to explore.
This learning path is designed to help Educational users get to know Vectorworks Design Suite and get up and running quickly. We understand that not everyone learns in the same way, so we have provided multiple training options, from instructor-led live seminars and an
on-demand quick start guide, to sample projects for you to explore.
Master the key skills required to be successful in Vectorworks by earning your Vectorworks Core Associate Certification. This learning path contains over 130 instructional videos and exercises that will equip you with the essential knowledge to operate Vectorworks with confidence.
To earn your certification, you must successfully pass the certification exam, with a score of 80% or higher. There are no restrictions on how many times you can retake the exam. If you do not pass on your first attempt, we recommend reviewing the certification courses and trying again. By passing the Vectorworks Core Certification exam and receiving this certification you will demonstrate to employers and clients that you are competent in core Vectorworks tools, commands, and workflows.
We highly recommend going through all of the courses in this learning path before taking the exam. However, we know there are many experienced Vectorworks users out there. If you feel you have already mastered the subjects covered in this learning path, you can skip directly to the exam.
Your certification is valid for 3 years after successfully passing the exam. Once you pass the exam, you will be able to download and display your personal Vectorworks Core Associate certificate and seal. You will be notified 6 months before your certification expires and with updates for continuing your education.
Die 3D-Planung einer Zufahrtsrampe beispielsweise in eine Tiefgarage ist eine anspruchsvolle Angelegenheit. Nicht nur ist die gekrümmte Form dieses Bauteils mit sauberen Anschlüssen an Strasse und Einfahrt bei engen Platzverhältnissen nicht einfach zu modellieren. Gleichzeitig müssen zahlreiche komplexe Regeln und Empfehlungen eingehalten werden zu Neigung, Gefälle, Befahrbarkeit usw. Marcellus Schwarz (Ing. TU Arch SIA) und CAD-Expertin Noémie Kölliker zeigen Ihnen in diesem Webinar Schritt für Schritt, wie Sie solche Aufgaben mit Vectorworks Architektur oder Vectorworks Landschaft elegant und regelkonform lösen.
Eines der wichtigsten Gestaltungsmittel für Aussenräume ist das Werkzeug Belag/Weg. Es befindet sich in den Modulen Vectorworks Architektur sowie Vectorworks Landschaft und wurde in den letzten Jahren stark ausgebaut. Belag/Weg bietet heute eine ganze Reihe raffinierter Möglichkeiten, die sich nicht auf den ersten Blick erschließen. Dieses Webinar zeigt Ihnen, wie man schnell und sicher ans Ziel kommt, ohne dass man mit dem Ausprobieren der Optionen viel Zeit verliert. Ihre erfahrenen Begleiter auf diesem Spaziergang durch digitale Landschaften sind Fabio Häuselmann (Zeichner EFZ Landschaftsarchitektur) und CAD Consultant Noémie Kölliker. Frische Luft schnuppern sollten hier alle, die ab und zu oder auch häufiger Außenräume planen und gestalten wollen.