Combine the strength of Vectorworks with the speed of AI image generation powered by Stable Diffusion. Directly available within the Vectorworks interface, this experimental feature uses Vectorworks Cloud Services for a zero-install, uninterrupted workflow to quickly ideate illustrative concepts or create refined images using your Vectorworks models at any stage of design.
Vectorworks University
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Mit dem Datenmanager in Vectorworks behalten Sie die vollständige Kontrolle über alle Objektdaten, egal, ob es sich um Objektmaße, Daten in eigenen Datenbanken oder IFC-Daten handelt. In der dreiteiligen Webinar-Serie zum Thema „BIM-Datenmanagement mit Vectorworks” vermittelt BIM-Consultant Viktor Frank Wissen zur Arbeit mit dem Datenmanager.
Im ersten Teil der Webinar-Serie dreht es sich um Grundlagenwissen zu Daten sowie ihrer Eingabe und Verwendung in Vectorworks.
(Für Version 2024)
In der dreiteiligen Webinar-Serie zum Thema „BIM-Datenmanagement mit Vectorworks” vermittelt BIM-Consultant Viktor Frank Wissen zur Arbeit mit dem Datenmanager.
Der zweite Teil der Webinarreihe vermittelt Grundlagen zum IFC-Schema, der Funktionsweise und Oberfläche des Datenmanagers sowie erste Zuweisungen und das Anlegen von Datensets im Datenmanager. Auch erste IFC-Exporte und die Kontrolle in einer Prüfsoftware sind Bestandteil dieses Webinars.
(Für Version 2024)
In der dreiteiligen Webinar-Serie zum Thema „BIM-Datenmanagement mit Vectorworks” vermittelt BIM-Consultant Viktor Frank Wissen zur Arbeit mit dem Datenmanager.
Der dritte Teil der Webinarreihe gibt Einblick in erweiterte Funktionen und Zuweisungen im Datenmanager. Es werden die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten des Datenmanagers näher beleuchtet.
(Für Version 2024)
Mit dem Statik-Modul Braceworks in Vectorworks kannst Du in wenigen Schritten die Realisierbarkeit Deines Systems prüfen und so die Dimensionierung Deiner Einsatzmittel besser bemessen. Du kannst beispielsweise Überlastungen von tragenden Elementen vorab erkennen und entsprechende Anpassungen vornehmen. Zeitaufwändige Kommunikations- und Bearbeitungsschleifen fallen dadurch weg und das Ingenieurbüro kann die Datei direkt in sein System übernehmen.
In diesem Webinar bemessen wir gemeinsam einen Workflow zur Realisierbarkeit eines Systems, um die daraus resultierenden Belastungen der Hängepunkten zu ermitteln. Anhand eines Beispielkonstrukts werden wir zudem auf ein paar gesonderte Themen eingehen.
(Für Version 2024)
Lernen Sie das Arbeiten mit Vectorworks Landschaft in kurzer Zeit kennen: Im deutschsprachigen Raum nutzt die Mehrheit der Betriebe in der grünen Branche das CAD mit den spezialisierten Funktionen. Fabio Häuselmann (EFZ Landschaftsarchitektur) und Oliver Fechner (Dipl.-Ing. Landschaftsarchitektur FH) vermitteln Ihnen anhand praktischer Beispiele die ersten Schritte: Wie man die eigene Bürostruktur aufbaut und immer wieder nutzt und wie man effizient die wichtigsten Werkzeuge einsetzt. Melden Sie sich kostenlos an zu diesen kurzweiligen 30 Minuten.
(Für Version 2024)
In this Coffee Break, Luis Ruiz gives an introduction to the AI Image generator in 2024 Update
4. He'll demonstrate how to use it, and show some of the amazing images
you can create.
Join Luka Stefanovic, Senior Architecture Industry Specialist, as he shares the latest in BIM Collaboration in Vectorworks 2024 Update 4.
Symbols in Vectorworks allow you to save objects for reuse again in the future, saving you time and effort to re create what you have already drawn or modeled. Symbols can be either 2D, 3D or Hybrid, but what does this mean and whats page based vs world based.
In this coffee break we will delve into symbols and highlight the benefits of incorporating them into your workflow.
Join Sarah Barrett, Senior Architecture Industry Specialist as she talks more about our continuous development to enhance customer workflows and improvements to the Graphic Legend tool.
Join Matt Panzer (Architect Product Planner) as he covers improved geometry for thresholds and sills, so they'll better fit with wall closures. You'll also see more options to control interior and exterior conditions, gaps around doors and windows can be controlled for each side of the opening, and door handling has been standardized to allow for more accurate geometry and data that supports industry standards.
Join Katarina Ollikainen ( Vectorworks Landmark Planner) in discussing the new, automated Fence Tool. Optimized for simplified and detailed representations, the fence tool supports integrated posts, gates and terrain-conforming options like racked or panel/stepped. The Fence tool will save you significant time while designing in 2D and 3D, and also allow for accurate material reporting, reducing the chance for errors in material specifications.
In this section we will sketch out the building concept with Vectorworks Architectural tools. Using a hybrid workflow, we will create walls, floors, and roofs that create 2D plans and a 3D model simultaneously!
We can then take our Concept model and develop it further in later sections
Put your ConnectCAD knowledge to the test and achieve your ConnectCAD Professional Certification
This exam evaluates participants knowledge of ConnectCAD tools, commands, and concepts. To prepare for this exam, it is recommended that participants first complete the ConnectCAD Professional Certification class. After successfully completing this exam with a score of 80% or higher, participants will earn the ConnectCAD Professional Certification. The certification will be valid for 3 years.
You have 3 attempts with each purchase
If you fail all 3 attempts you will need to repurchase the exam
You may take time to review or attend training between attempts
You may have Vectorworks open while taking the exam
You must finish each attempt within the stated time period or the answers you have given will be submitted and considered an attempt, even if you have not answered any questions - do not start an attempt unless you intend on finishing it
Good luck!
In this video we will look at creating a site model from source data. Source data can come from imported DWG files, survey files or manually entered data within Vectorworks.
When creating documentation, architects and designers need to label drawing elements. In a BIM workflow, modeled objects contain data, and that data can be visualized using smart labels. In Vectorworks, any object’s data can be labeled using the Data Tag tool. In this course, you will learn how harness the power of Data Tags in Vectorworks software, to not only report data, but also push data to objects and giving you an intuitive way to append data in your designs.
Quickly change objects’ attributes using data parameters that allow you to view everything from errors to the impacts of your decisions — all while you’re designing. And because it’s in the live design environment, you can edit an object’s data as you’re designing and see the impact of those changes; for example, you can have doors turn red when they lack fire protection. You will also experience greater efficiency in your process by being able to visualize data for error/quality checking and work validation.
Data visualization can be applied directly to the model or via a viewport, a viewport will even produce a key for you!
Ignite your imagination, explore the latest tools, and learn from Vectorworks leaders and industry peers. This worldwide series of events is tailor-made for architects, interior designers, landscape professionals and site designers, and entertainment design professionals. Re-visit sessions from industry leaders and design enthusiasts for inspiring stories, and presentations.
It is also perfectly acceptable to have traditional 2D generic details that you can save in your Libraries and reuse from project to project.
In this video, we will discuss unit settings in Vectorworks. This includes the default units used throughout the project and the option for dual dimensions to display a dimension in two separate units.