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Join us as the Vectorworks team will be taking a look at creating basic Marionette scripts. Marionette delivers an algorithmic means to orchestrate and dictate design forms and customisations, without needing to be a programmer. Learn how to create custom ?tools?; included in this week?s tutorial is how to create a multiple extrude along path. Learn the purpose and correct use of the different segments within the Marionette tool Discover how to string a Network, including correct placement of Node types Identify the structure of the Network required to create a multiple extrude along path.

All Industries
50 Minutes


  1. Learn how to locate and activate the Clip Cube tool as we guide you through manipulating each clip face to achieve the desired view.
  2. Investigate how to adjust, rotate and move the Clip Cube to achieve the exact view that you require.
  3. Explore how to make both a Sheet Layer Viewport and Section Viewport from a Clip Cube for presentation purposes.

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, and Designer
Requires Approval: No
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